In today’s tech world having a website of one’s own is inevitable to boost up your business. After the web development and website design processes, there are some important steps you should take to make your website visible to the audience. Immediately after sharing the website with the whole world, your website may not be displayed in Google’s search pages instantly. For this, you have to submit your website to Google and we are here to help you out in this.
It is essential to submit the sitemap and website in Google console as it will trigger search engines to crawl your website precisely and make it visible to the targeted audience.
Let us look how Google finds the millions of newly listed websites. It uses large computers to crawl through the infinite number of sites on the web. The crawler known as Googlebot starts with webpage urls that have been obtained from earlier crawls and then amplifies those webpages with the help of sitemap data provided by Google console. Googlebot will search new webpages, updates to already existing pages and broken links, during the crawling process.
If new pages exist within the sitemap, then Google will find them out and will list them in the search results. If your website has dynamic content, it will not be visible to Googlebot , so it is advisory to optimize your default version for better search results. If you do not submit a sitemap, then it depends entirely on Google’s time frame to search and index your website and it will not be done quickly as you wish.
It has been found out from studies that Google requires about 1375 minutes for crawling a new website without a submitted sitemap. After submitting an updated sitemap, the average time required by Googlebot to identify a new website is just 14 minutes. This will indicate clearly the need for submitting your website to Google.
Thus to enhance the online marketing and digital marketing processes of your business, a website is needed and also it should be submitted in Google search console to reap benefits from it. Hope this information proves to be useful in your future endeavours to scale great heights in the business world.
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